In this episode, Professor Mahoney follows a 12345 service order, which leads him to the first compound of Anhui Dongli near Beijing's Bird's Nest.
The compound consists of six buildings: Buildings 1-4 are owned by a local state-owned property enterprise and Building 5-6 by the China National Traditional Orchestra.
At the beginning of the year, property management services expired for Buildings 1-4, leading residents to file complaints via the 12345 hotline. In response, the Anhui Dongli community proposed introducing market-based property management.
Some residents of Buildings 1–4 argue that a wall should be built to separate Buildings 1–4 from Buildings 5–6, as they do not want to pay fees that would also benefit Buildings 5–6. However, residents of Buildings 5-6 disagree, as the wall would block their access. In response, the community has held a series of resident councils to address the issue. How was the conflict resolved? Join Mahoney to find out!