The second Taishan Animation Festival opened its doors on Aug 16 in Tai'an, Shandong province. This four-day event, running until Aug 19, features over 40 activities in seven categories, including an immersive digital culture exhibition, showcases of outstanding animation and game brands, a cultural tourism and creative industry achievement exhibition of Taishan district, a comic art exhibition, animation parades, and salons on promoting urban development through animation.
With a focus on the deep integration of culture and tourism, and making strong use of advanced technology, this year's festival aims to showcase and promote Chinese culture, foster consumption, develop new quality productive forces, and drive the integrated development of animation and tourism. The event is expected to inject new vitality into the high-quality development of Taishan's tourism industry and the regional economy.
Some dynamic backdrops in the exhibition venue of the second Taishan Animation Festival held in Tai'an. [Photo/Dazhong News]
The exhibition hall of the second Taishan Animation Festival is a hub of creativity, featuring interactive displays of products inspired by beloved animated characters. [Photo/Dazhong News]