

Lingjiatan National Archaeological Site Park

Updated: Jan 30, 2023 www.chinaservicesinfo.com Print
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The Lingjiatan site in Hanshan county, Ma’anshan city, Anhui province [Photo/Official WeChat account of the Anhui Culture and Tourism Department]

Lingjiatan National Archaeological Park is built upon a Neolithic site that was discovered in 1985 in Anhui province. Up till now, a sacrificial altar, a sacrificial pit, 68 tombs, 2 trenches and more than 3,000 artifacts have been unearthed, among which a stone axe head (yue) and an arc-shaped jade pendant (huang) are the largest ever found from China’s Neolithic Period.

The site is a research subject of the civilization pattern in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The park is open to the public and offers educational programs to students of different ages.

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