
ZUEL admission guide for international students

Updated: Apr 2, 2021 中南财经政法大学国际教育学院 Print
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I. About ZUEL

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) is an institute of higher education directly administrated by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Its core disciplines are economics, law, and management, and it also teaches courses in six other disciplines including philosophy, literature, history, science, engineering, and art.

ZUEL is one of the universities sponsored by the "211 project" and the "985 Project Innovation Platform", and has been included on the list of universities and colleges set to participate in the country's plan to develop world-class universities and world-class disciplines ('Double World-Class').

ZUEL is composed of two campuses. One (the Nanhu campus) is located on the banks of picturesque Nanhu Lake, and the other lies at the foot of the historic Yellow Crane Tower site. ZUEL receives Chinese Government Scholarships and also offers a university scholarship to excellent international students. ZUEL welcomes students from all over the world.

1. National key research base of Humanities and Social Sciences: Intellectual Property Research Center

2. National key disciplines: Public Finance, Accounting, Finance, Civil and Commercial Law

3. Postgraduate programs taught in English: Accounting, Finance, International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Chinese Law, IMBA, International Business,International Trade, Industrial Economics, World Economy, Environmental Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Mathematical Statistics.

★ The IMBA Program is certified by AMBA.

★《2019 Chinese University Evaluation Report》:2019 Chinese Finance and Economics university rankings: No.1

II. Program Introduction

1. Degree Programs (Please check the attachment for more information)

(1) Undergraduate Program

(2) Master's Program

(3) Doctoral Program

2.Non-degree Programs

(1) Scholar Students Programs (Consistent with the majors in the degree programs)

(2) Chinese Language Program

The International Education School organizes language-teaching classes at elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. Students will be placed in certain classes after taking a proficiency test. One class is usually composed of 15-20 students.

III. Application Period

Application period for Fall semester: from March 1 to June 15.

Application period for Spring semester: from October 1 to December 10. (in the previous year)

IV. Application Documents


Chinese Language Program

Undergraduate Program

Master's Program/ General Scholar Program

Doctoral Program/ Senior Scholar Program

Application Form

Copy of Passport

Academic Certificate




Physical Examination Form

Language Certificate


Recommendation Letter



Study Plan




Application Document Requirements:

1. The color scan of the applicant's passport, including the information page and its previous page, should be clear and complete.

2. The applicant name must be the same as in the passport. Abbreviations or omissions of the middle name are not allowed. If there is no family name or first name, please leave it with a blank, '-' or '.'

3. Applicants already in China must submit a color scan of their visa within the validity period as well as their latest entry stamp.

4. Registration photo. All applicants are requested to submit a color, two-inch, bare-headed registration photo into the system, with a white background and no border, size 100-500KB, JPG format.

5. Applicants under the age of 18 must submit valid documents of legal guardians, such as ID card, certificate of income or letter of guardianship. (Either one is acceptable)

6. Applicants must fill in all their study and work experiences from high school onwards without gaps. (If applicants have military service, please list the dates of service)

7. Applicants must submit either a scanned diploma or certificate of their highest degree. If the degree certificate is not yet acquired, their previously-acquired highest academic certificate must be submitted. (Any other relevant documents are unacceptable) If the academic certificate is non-English or Chinese, the original must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.

8. The highest level of education must be filled in with their previously-acquired degree.

9. Academic transcripts (written in Chinese or English); transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.

10. Applicants must submit Foreigner Physical Examination Form (photocopy) written in English. (downloaded from https://ies.zuel.edu.cn/2018/0428/c766a190293/page.htm) The physical examinations must cover all of the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete forms, or forms without the signature of the attending physician, or the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicant are considered invalid. Please carefully plan your physical examination schedule, as the result is valid for only six months.

11. Language requirement. For Chinese-taught programs: Undergraduates should submit their HSK4 certificate; master's students and doctoral students should submit their HSK5 certificate. For English-taught programs: TOEFL: 80 or IELTS: 6.0. Applicants whose native language or official language is English don't need to submit certification of language proficiency; applicants whose previous degree programs were taught in English may use relevant documents to certify their language proficiency.

12. Recommendation letters (written in Chinese or English). Applicants for graduate programs, senior and general scholar programs must submit two recommendation letters signed by professors.

13. A Study Plan or Research Proposal (written in Chinese or English). This should be a minimum of 1,500 words for common scholars and master's students, 2,500 words for senior scholars and doctoral students.

14. The major marked * should be submitted in Proof of English Language Ability:IELTS, TOEFL. You may also enclose a document to prove that you have studied or worked in English.

Note: The application documents and related documents will not be returned.

V. Application Procedure

1. Applying online:

(1) Register and apply online: https://iesmis.zuel.edu.cn

(2) Complete the information, upload all the required documents and submit your application.

2. Qualification Verification:

Log in to your online application account to check your application status.

3. Admission Notice:

After we receive the permitted document, we will mail you the Admission Notice and Form of Visa Application for studying in China as soon as possible. Please check your email regularly and make sure your postal address is correct.

VI Fees




Tuition Fee

(CNY)  (Year)

Bachelor's  Degree

4  years

RMB  16,000 yuan

Master's  Degree


2-3  years

RMB  20,000 yuan

Master's Degree


2  years

RMB  30,000 yuan

Doctoral  Degree (Chinese-taught)

3  years

RMB  24,000 yuan

Doctoral  Degree


3  years

RMB  34,000 yuan

General  Scholar

Within  2 years

RMB  16,000 yuan

Senior  Scholar

Within  1 year

RMB 20,000  yuan

Chinese  Language

1  year

RMB 16,000  yuan


Application Fee

Accommodation Fee

Medical Insurance (Year)

RMB 500 yuan

Double Occupancy: RMB 750 yuan/bed/month

Single Occupancy:

 RMB 1,350 yuan/room/month

Students need to buy the health  insurance. We suggest you buy the Health Insurance in PING AN INSURANCE  (GROUP) COMPANY OF CHINA: 800 RMB/year/person


Undergraduate Program

I. Eligibility:

1. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens in good health;

2. Applicants for undergraduate programs should be a high school graduate;

3. Applicants should have obtained their HSK4 or above when applying for undergraduate programs. If applying for scholarship programs, the language proficiency certificate should be submitted according to the requirements of the program.

 II. Majors Offered:

Undergraduate Majors (Chinese-taught)



School of  Philosophy

International Politics

School of  Economics


 International Business

School of Public Finance  and Taxation 

Public Finance

Law School


School of  Journalism and Culture Communication

Chinese Language  and Literature

School of  Business Administration

Tourism  Management

Business  Administration

 International Economics and Trade


School of  Accounting



Master's Program

I. Eligibility:

1. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens in good health;

2. Applicants for master's programs should have obtained a bachelor's degree;

3. Applicants should have obtained HSK5 or above when applying for Chinese-taught majors, and should have obtained TOEFL 80, IELTS 6.0 or related certificates when applying for English-taught majors (Applicants whose native language or official language is English don't need to submit; applicants whose previous degree programs were taught in English may use relevant documents to certify their language proficiency). If applying for scholarship programs, the language proficiency certificate should be submitted according to the requirements of the program.

II. Majors Offered:

Master's Majors(Chinese-taught)



School of Philosophy

International Relations

School of Economics

Political Economics

World Economy

School of Public Finance and Taxation 

Public Finance

School of Finance


Law School

Constitutional Law & Administrative  Law

Civil-commercial Law

Economics Law

International Law

Criminal Justice School

Criminal Law

School of Journalism and Mass Media


Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

School of Business Administration


Business Administration

Industrial Economics (Trade Economy)

Industrial Economics

 International  Trade

Technological Economy & Management

Land Resource Management

Agriculture and Forest Economics and  Management

School of Accounting


Master's Majors (English-taught)



School of Finance


Law School

Chinese Law

International Law

Intellectual  Property Law

School of Business Administration


International  Business

School of Accounting


School of Information  and Safety Engineering

Environmental Science and  Engineering

Computer Science  and Technology


Doctoral Program

I. Eligibility:

1. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens in good health;

2. Applicants for doctoral program should have obtained a master's degree;

3. Applicants should have obtained HSK5 or above when applying for Chinese-taught majors, and should have obtained TOEFL 80, IELTS 6.0 or related certificates when applying for English-taught majors (Applicants whose native language or official language is English don't need to submit; applicants whose previous degree programs were taught in English may use relevant documents to certify their language proficiency). If applying for scholarship programs, the language proficiency certificate should be submitted according to the requirements of the program.

II. Majors Offered:

Doctoral  Majors (Chinese-taught)



School of Public  Finance and Taxation

Public Finance

School of  Finance


Law School

Civil-commercial  Law

International  Law

Criminal Justice School

Criminal Law

School of  Business Administration

 International  Trade 

Industrial  Economics

Agricultural  Economy Management

Tourism  Management 

School of Accounting


School of  Statistics and Mathematics


Applied Statistics


Financial  statistics, Insurance Actuarial Science and Risk  Management          

Economic  Statistics

                   Mathematical Statistics      

Doctoral Majors  (English-taught)



School of  Economics

World Economy

School of  Finance


Law School

International  Law

School of  Business Administration

International  Trade 

Industrial  Economics 

School of Accounting


School of  Statistics and Mathematics

Mathematical  Statistics


VII. Scholarship

1. Chinese Government Scholarships (Bilateral Program, Great Wall Program, EU Program, AUN Program, PIF Program ,WMO Program)

(website: https://ies-en.zuel.edu.cn/2020/0320/c2211a239806/page.htm)

2. Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program

(website: https://ies-en.zuel.edu.cn/2020/0525/c2211a242678/page.htm)

3. Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program

(website: https://ies-en.zuel.edu.cn/2020/0525/c2211a242679/page.htm)

4. "Belt and Road" Chinese Government Intellectual Property Law English Master Scholarship Program

(website: https://ies-en.zuel.edu.cn/2020/0312/c2211a239685/page.htm)

5. Confucius Institute Scholarship

(website: https://ies-en.zuel.edu.cn/2212/list.htm)

6. Sino-American Cultural Exchange Scholarship

(website: https://ies-en.zuel.edu.cn/2020/1124/c2211a257702/page.htm)

7. Chinese Government Scholarship for Exchange Students from Europe

8. International Students' Scholarship of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

(website: https://ies-en.zuel.edu.cn/2213/list.htm)

VIII. Contact Information

Address: International Education School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

182 Nanhu Avenue, East Lake High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei province, China, 430073

Contact person: Ms Zhu

Tel: 0086-27-88387760

E-mail: admissions@zuel.edu.cn

Website: https://ies.zuel.edu.cn

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