Dalian Natural History Museum
Dalian Natural History Museum is a comprehensive museum that conducts research on and exhibits a vast range of specimens. There are some 200,000 specimens in the museum, 6,000 of which are extremely rare. These collections feature marine specimens and Jehol Biota fossil specimens, including the unique black whale specimen in China. Dalian Natural History Museum has 12 halls with different themes, including dinosaurs, marine life, wetlands and diverse species.
Address: 40 Xicun Street, Heishi Reef, Shahekou district, Dalian, Liaoning province
Opening hours: 9 am to 4:30 pm (Closed on Mondays); Entrance closes at 3:30 pm
Tel: +86-411-84691290, 84675544-8009 (Tuesday to Sunday, 8:50 am to 4:10 pm), 84675544-8001 (Monday)
Fax: +86-411-84675544-8001
Ticket price: Free
Bus: Nos 801,523, 23, 28, 202, 406, 901
Postcode: 116023