Chinese Milu Park, Yancheng
(江苏大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区 jiāng sū dà fēng mí lù guó jiā jí zì rán bǎo hù qū)
Located in Dafeng, Yancheng, Jiangsu province, Chinese Milu Park is a national milu nature reserve established in 1986.
Milu, also known as Pere David's deer, is a species of deer that is endangered in the wild.
The reserve is a good habitat for rare animals such as milu, white storks, and red-crowned cranes, and for thermophilic crops, thanks to its geological landform as a typical coastal wetland with a subtropical climate and warm temperatures.
It now has the world's largest milu population and has built the world's largest milu gene bank.
So far, the reserve has welcomed nearly 1 million visitors from more than 40 countries, among whom were 380,000 teenagers.
Scenic Spot Level: AAAAA
Ideal Sightseeing Season: early March to early July
Opening Hours: 8 am-6 pm
Ticket Price: 55 yuan ($7.90)
Address: Milu Nature Reserve, Dafeng, Yancheng
Website: (Chinese)
Online Booking:
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2018