The economic aggregate of Shanxi province has reached a new level. Regional GDP was 8.8 billion yuan ($1.27 billion) in 1978, 107.63 billion yuan in 1995 (exceeding 100 billion yuan for the first time), and 1.13 trillion yuan in 2011 (exceeding 1 trillion yuan for the first time).
The province reported a GDP of 1.55 trillion yuan in 2017, 176.5 times larger than that of 1978, and the average annual growth rate amounted to 9.6 percent.
And per capita GDP increased from 365 yuan in 1978 to 42,060 yuan in 2017.
Shanxi has also seen dramatic improvements in its public finances. In 1978, the province's general public budget revenue was 1.96 billion yuan. In 1995, it nearly quadrupled to 7.22 billion yuan. In 2011, general public budget revenue broke 100 billion yuan for the first time –– reaching 121.34 billion yuan, and increased to 186.7 billion yuan in 2017, up 95.3 times compared with that of 1978.
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