1. Explanatory Notes:
Total Profits: refer to the surplus of various revenue deducting various costs in the production process of enterprises, reflecting the total profit and loss in the report period.
Operating income: refers to the total amount of revenue of enterprises recognized by the principal business and other business operations.
Revenue from Principal Activities: refers to the total amount of revenue of enterprises gained from the principal business operation.
Operating costs: refers to the total costs of enterprises incurred by the principal business and other business operations.
Costs of Principal Activities: refers to the total costs of enterprises incurred by the principal business operation.
Total Assets: refers to the resources which are gotten from past transactions or events, owned or controlled by enterprises, and expected to bring economic benefits to the enterprises.
Total Liabilities: refers to the current obligation generated from past transactions or events, and expected an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprises.
Total Owners' Equity: refers to the residual interests after deducting liabilities, which belongs to the enterprises owners.
Accounts Receivable: refers to the creditor's rights due to the sale of goods, services, and other business activities, including the payment for goods, value-added tax, prepay freight and miscellaneous charges, to be collected from the customers.
Finished Goods: refers to manufactured products which are ready for sale by the end of report period.
Profit Rate of Revenue from Principal Activities = total profits/revenue from principal activities × 100%, unit: %.
Costs for per-hundred-yuan Turnover of Principal Activities = the costs of revenue from principal activities / the revenue from principal activities ×100, unit: yuan.
Expenses for per-hundred-yuan Turnover of Principal Activities = (selling expenses + administrative expenses + financial expenses)/the revenue from principal activities ×100, unit: yuan.
Revenue from Principal Activities Brought by per Hundred yuan Assets = the revenue from principal activities/average assets/the cumulative number of months × 12 × 100, unit:yuan.
Revenue from Principal Activities per Capita = revenue from principal activities/ average number of employment/the cumulative number of months × 12, unit:10 thousand yuan/person.
Asset-Liability Ratio = total liabilities/total assets × 100%, unit: %.
Turnover Days of Finished Goods = 360 × average finished goods/costs of principal activities × the cumulative number of months/12, unit: days.
Days Sales Outstanding (the number of days on average a company takes to collect its accounts receivable) = 360×average accounts receivable/revenue from principal activities ×the cumulative number of months/12, unit: days.
In the columns of increase rate year-on-year of the three tables above, the "note" refers to negative total profits in the same period last year, which means loss; the positive value refers to a year-on-year increase of profits; the negative value which is greater than or equal to -100% refers to a year-on-year decrease of profits; the value less than -100% indicates turning gain in the same period last year into loss in current period; and the value of 0 indicates that the profits remain at the same level year-on-year.
As the range of industrial enterprises above the designated size changes every year, in order to ensure that the data of this year is comparable with that of last year, when calculating the year-on-year growth rate and growth amount of indicators, the statistical coverage of data in the same period is consistent with that of the current period, while is different with the data released last year.
2. Statistical Coverage
Industrial enterprises above the designated size, which refer to industrial enterprises with revenue from principal activities over 20 million yuan.
3. Data Collection
The Financial Report of Enterprises Above the Designated Size conducts complete survey by month (the data on January are not required to report).
4. Industrial Classification Standard
The Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities (GB/T4754-2017) was implemented, please refer to