

Joint communiqué of the fourth round of political consultations between Chinese and African foreign ministers

Updated: Sep 22, 2017 fmprc.gov.cn Print
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In accordance with the mechanism of regular political dialogue between Chinese and African Foreign Ministers set up at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2006, the Foreign Ministers of China and 48 African countries, or their representatives, and the representative of the African Union (AU) Commission held their Fourth Round of Political Consultations in New York on 20 September 2017.

The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Wang Yi and Ms. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Foreign Ministers respectively of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, the current Co-Chair countries of FOCAC.

Focusing on the theme of "Promote implementation of FOCAC Johannesburg Summit outcomes, support Africa in pursuing Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", the Chinese and African sides had an in-depth exchange of views on China-Africa relations, and practical cooperation in various areas and international and regional issues of common interest. Both sides reached consensus as follows:

1. The two sides highly commend the great success of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit held in South Africa in December 2015, which opened a new era of China-Africa win-win cooperation for common development. The two sides are determined to work together to advance the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership featuring political equality and mutual trust, economic win-win cooperation, mutually enriching cultural exchanges, mutual assistance in security, and solidarity and coordination in international affairs.

2. The two sides commend the China-Africa ten cooperation plans put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Johannesburg Summit. The two sides are satisfied with the progress achieved through shared efforts in implementing the outcomes of the Summit. The two sides appreciate the convening of the Coordinators' Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the Johannesburg Summit of FOCAC held by China and Africa in Beijing in July 2016. The two sides pledge to further strengthen coordination and intensify efforts to implement the outcomes of the Johannesburg Summit for the well-being of the Chinese and African peoples. The two sides will conduct an in-depth review of the implementation progress and make future planning on the Seventh Ministerial Conference of the FOCAC in 2018.

3. The Chinese side reiterates its readiness to further strengthen China-Africa practical cooperation in various areas on the basis of upholding the principles of sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith and the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, which the African side appreciates. The two sides reaffirm their readiness to uphold the cooperative concepts of common, intensive, green, safe and open development, synergize the development of China and Africa and work for win-win cooperation for common development.

4. The two sides maintain that Agenda 2063 is an important program for Africa to seek peace, stability, development and integration. The China-Africa ten cooperation plans and the priority areas of Agenda 2063 are highly compatible. Through comprehensively implementing the ten cooperation plans, the Chinese side supports African countries' efforts to achieve the goals set out by Agenda 2063 for political integration, infrastructure construction, traditional and renewable energy, sustainable socio-economic development, peace, security and other priority areas.

5. The two sides agree that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development charts the course for development of all countries and international development cooperation. Under the relevant implementation framework, the two sides will strengthen cooperation and join hands to build a world of lasting peace and common prosperity and a community of a shared future for humanity. The Chinese side calls on the international community to focus more on African development, especially on the development of least developed, small island and landlocked countries in Africa, provide more tangible assistance to help Africa implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and support Africa in achieving the sustainable development goals on schedule.

6. The African side congratulates China on successfully hosting the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, and believes that the Belt and Road Initiative plays a positive role in making economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all, and that it provides a new platform for Africa to participate in international cooperation. The African side hopes to participate more extensively in the Belt and Road development, and synergize the priority projects of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa with the Belt and Road Initiative, which the Chinese side welcomes.

7. The two sides reiterate their continued commitment to upholding the spirit of extensive consultation, joint efforts and shared benefit, improving the FOCAC mechanism. Both sides will encourage FOCAC to continuously play a leading role in China-Africa cooperation and international cooperation with Africa.

8. The two sides are satisfied with the momentum of more frequent high-level exchanges, strengthened political dialogue and deepened strategic trust between China and Africa in recent years. The two sides reaffirm their readiness to render mutual understanding and support on issues concerning their core interests and major concerns.

9. The two sides emphasize their continued commitment to strengthening the mechanisms of economic and trade cooperation, deepening mutually beneficial cooperation on trade, investment and financing, and negotiating and implementing agreements on promotion and protection of investment. The African side welcomes and supports the efforts of Chinese enterprises and financial institutions to invest in Africa and promote transfer of technologies, capacity building and collaboration in research and development. Bearing in mind the new situation of transformation and upgrading of China-Africa cooperation, the two sides agree to actively explore multiple forms of cooperation, including PPP and BOT, to promote China-Africa cooperative development and the progress of industrialization and economic diversification in Africa. The Chinese side encourages African countries to make use of the favorable financing model as pledged at the Johannesburg Summit of FOCAC. The African side appreciates the positive progress made by China in developing industrial parks and special economic zones in several African countries.

10. The two sides believe that the improvement of Africa's agricultural value chain and agricultural processing are essential in the promotion of agricultural modernization in Africa. The two sides agree to strengthen agricultural cooperation, support implementation of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme, help Africa promote agricultural industrialization and modernization and enhance its capacity for food security. The two sides will strengthen capacity building cooperation on African livestock development especially in the related areas such as feed, health and quarantine. The two sides express their concerns over the serious drought in parts of Africa caused by El Nino. The African side expresses appreciation to the Chinese side for its timely food assistance to affected African countries.

11. The two sides maintain that the sustainable exploitation and utilization of African ocean resources are conducive to accelerating African economic diversification. The two sides will promote new economic growth drivers in areas including Blue Economy development, offshore aquaculture, marine transportation, shipbuilding, construction of ports and port industrial parks, and marine scientific research.

12. The two sides emphasize their readiness to continuously strengthen cooperation and communication on medical treatment, medicine production, preventing and combating major contagious diseases, traditional medicine and other areas. The African side appreciates China's long-term support for Africa's health development and leading role in helping Africa defeat the Ebola epidemic.

13. The two sides reaffirm their commitment to upholding the principles of sincere friendship and mutual respect, actively promoting dialogue, exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and enhancing mutual understanding among their peoples to provide strong cultural and public support for win-win cooperation for common development. The two sides agree to sustain the momentum of high-level cultural engagements and encourage and support the participation by Chinese and African art and culture groups and artists in international cultural and art activities.

14. The two sides agree to develop their cooperation in the tourism sector to work towards the establishment of more direct air routes, improved safety and quality and increased tourism investment. The two sides support tourism promotion activities in each other's countries and continue to facilitate travels by their nationals between China and Africa. The two sides encourage and support the establishment of tourist offices in China and Africa.

15. The two sides will continue to strengthen communication and cooperation in education and human resources development and work toward harnessing the advantages of Africa's natural and human resources into sustainable development outcomes that will benefit the people.

16. The two sides positively evaluate the Africa-China High-Level Dialogue and Think Tank Forum on Fighting Against Poverty for Common Prosperity co-organized by the Chinese Follow-up Committee of FOCAC and the AU Commission and held at the AU headquarter in June 2017. The two sides view poverty reduction for development as an important new area of cooperation and agree to strengthen experience sharing and practical cooperation in the area.

17. The Chinese side appreciates and continues to support the important role played by the AU and African sub-regional organizations in promoting African efforts of gaining strength through unity and advancing African integration. The Chinese side will increase cooperation with the AU on major international and regional issues, and continue to support capacity-building of the AU and African sub-regional organizations and support regional economic integration. The Chinese side will implement the pledge of US$100 million of free military aid to the AU and support the building of the African Center for Disease Control.

18. The two sides agree that the world is experiencing major transformation and the momentum for the rise of emerging markets and developing countries is strong. Strengthened China-Africa solidarity and cooperation for common development is of strategic significance for world multi-polarity and democracy in international relations. The Chinese and African sides will strengthen coordination and cooperation in international affairs, safeguard the common interests of developing countries, build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, and promote the development of the world in a more balanced, equitable and inclusive manner.

19. The two sides emphasize their commitments to strictly adhere to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect each other's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, respect and support each country's choice of development according to its national conditions, and oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries and the willful resort to the use or threat of force.

20. The two sides firmly uphold the UN's core position and role in international affairs, and reaffirm the need for reform of the UN. The two sides reaffirm that the historical injustice endured by African countries should be undone and priority should be given to increasing the representation of African countries in the UN Security Council and other agencies .

21. The two sides note that anti-globalization, trade protectionism, falling commodity prices and policy uncertainty of developed economies have exerted a negative impact on the development environment of emerging markets and developing countries. The two sides reaffirm their commitment to building an open world economy, urge developed economies to take responsible fiscal and monetary policies, and call on the international community to strengthen macroeconomic policy communication and coordination, improve global economic governance, and promote the robust, balanced and sustainable growth of the world economy.

22. The two sides appreciate the outcomes of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP21 (Paris Conference) and COP22 (Marrakech Conference), and pledge to fully implement the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement. The two sides will strengthen dialogue and cooperation on climate change and green development to enhance African countries' capacity for climate mitigation and adaptation. The two sides call on and encourage parties of the Paris Agreement to fully implement the agreement, particularly the commitment of developed countries to provide financial, technological and capacity building support to developing countries in addressing climate change.

23. The two sides agree that terrorism poses a serious threat to regional peace, economic development and social stability. China commends and supports African efforts in fighting against terrorism. The Chinese and African sides are committed to strengthening counter-terrorism communication and cooperation, deepening development cooperation, working to eliminate the root causes of terrorism, and jointly promoting world peace and stability. Both sides agree on the need to strengthen international efforts to cut off terrorist groups' channels for obtaining financial and other forms of support.

24. The two sides maintain that Africa belongs to African people, who have the wisdom and ability to properly address their domestic issues. The international community should fully respect the leading position of African countries and regional organizations in solving African issues, and play a constructive role in solving African hotspot issues. The African side expresses its desire to strengthen cooperation with China in peace and security affairs. The Chinese side reaffirms its continued commitment to constructively participating in African peace and security affairs, supporting Africa's efforts to promote its capability of maintaining peace and stability, and dispatching peacekeeping personnel to Africa under the UN framework.

25. The African side commends the UN Security Council open debate on peace and security in Africa, which was initiated by China during China's Security Council Presidency in July 2017. The two sides agree that supporting Africa in achieving peace, stability and development serves the common interests of the world's people, and is the shared responsibility of the international community. The two sides will continue to work with international partners to support the efforts of the AU and African sub-regional organizations to resolve the issues of peace and security in Africa and encourage the UN to increase peacekeeping support to Africa in areas such as funding, equipment and personnel training. The two sides welcome greater contribution by all parties of the international community to help Africa achieve lasting peace and sustainable development.

26. The two sides reaffirm their readiness to continuously strengthen consultation and coordination of positions relating to China-Africa relations and international and regional issues of common interest through political consultations between Chinese and African foreign ministers, the relevant mechanisms of FOCAC and bilateral frameworks.

New York, 20 September 2017

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