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User Registration Agreement

I. General Provisions
1.1 The ownership of (hereinafter referred to the "platform") belongs to China Daily.
1.2 The platform agrees to provide Internet-based services and information related to investment, study, tourism, employment, culture and art in China in accordance with the terms of Use (hereinafter referred to the "Terms") and its operation rules released from time to time.
1.3 If the service user (hereinafter referred to the "User") clicks the "I have read and agreed" checkbox in the registration process, it indicates that the User fully accepts all of the terms. Special services or products only can be used after the User agrees to accept relevant terms. The User signing the terms shall be a natural person with a full capacity for civil rights and a full capacity for civil conduct.
1.4 The terms may be updated by the platform at any time. The User shall pay attention and agree that will not assume a notification obligation.
1.5 The notices, announcements, statements or other similar contents are a part of the terms.
II. Service Content
2.1 The platform provides services related to investment, oversea study, tourism and employment in China, and the specific contents of services are provided by the platform according to the actual situation.
2.2 The platform only provides relevant network services. Beyond that, equipment (such as personal computer, mobile phone, and other devices related to the access to Internet or mobile network) related to relevant network services and the fees needed (including but not limited to telephone bill and Internet access fee paid for access to the Internet, and mobile phone fee paid for the use of the mobile network) shall be borne by the User.
2.3 Predictive statements The information published on this platform may contain some predictive statements. These statements are inherently quite risky and uncertain. The purpose of the predictive statements about the and related businesses published on this platform is to indicate that they are predictive statements. The platform does not intend to constantly update these predictive statements. These predictive statements reflect the current view of the platform on future events, rather than a guarantee of future business performance.
III. Rules of Use
3.1 The account ownership of registered user belongs to the chinaservicesinfo platform, and the User can obtain the account and become the User of the platform after he/she reads and agrees the terms and completes all the registration procedures. Please manage the account according to the following rules:
3.1.1 The User should provide true, accurate, up-to-date and complete information according to registration requirements, and use a valid e-mail address and other information. All the consequences caused by the User's submission of untrue, false and forged information and materials and economic losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the User, and the chinaservicesinfo platform will not accept the refund and claim application caused thereby or assume any responsibilities and consequences resulting therefrom. After successful registration, the User will obtain one account and password, which are kept by the User, and the User shall bear legal liability for network activities of the account by himself/herself.
3.1.2 The account and password shall not be transferred or lent to others for use.
3.1.3 If the User finds that the account was used without permission or any other security issues occurred, he/she shall change the account and password immediately and keep them properly, and contact the chinaservicesinfo platform promptly if necessary. If the account was used illegally due to hacktivism or negligent custody by the User, the platform assumes no responsibility.
3.1.4 The platform is entitled to unilaterally take measures such as suspension of use and cancellation of registration for the account of the User in case of violation of relevant laws and regulations and various stipulations of the terms.
3.1.5 If services are terminated or canceled, the platform can permanently delete the data of the User from the server, and has no duty to return any data to the User or recover any data after services are terminated or canceled.
3.2 The User agrees to receive the information pushed by the platform when using relevant network services.
3.3 The User must provide accurate and complete information when applying for the use of relevant network services, and all the consequences and responsibilities caused by the User's failure to provide accurate and complete information must be borne by the User themselves.
3.4 The User must strictly abide by the following principles during the use of network services from the chinaservicesinfo platform.
3.4.1 Provide true, accurate and timely data;
3.4.2 Do not use the services or information from the chinaservicesinfo platform for any illegal purpose;
3.4.3 Comply with all the network protocols, regulations and procedures related to network services;
3.4.4 Do not use the services from chinaservicesinfo platform to conduct any behaviors which may cause adverse effect on the normal operation of the Internet;
3.4.5 Do not use the services from chinaservicesinfo platform to transmit any harassing, slanderous, abusive, minatory, vulgar, obscene or other illegal information and data;
3.4.6 Do not use the services from chinaservicesinfo platform to conduct any misbehavior against the chinaservicesinfo platform.
3.5 If the User violates any provisions in Item 3.4 when using network services, the chinaservicesinfo platform or its authorized representative has the right to ask the User to correct this or directly take any necessary measures (including but not limited to the changing or deletion of contents posted by the User, the suspension or termination of the User's rights to use network services, etc.), so as to alleviate adverse effects and consequences caused by the User's misconduct.
3.6 The User bears all responsibilities for the contents uploaded, reprinted or transmitted by himself/herself, and all users shall not upload, reprint or transmit the information containing one of the following contents on any page of the chinaservicesinfo platform, otherwise, the platform is entitled to handle it by itself without notifying the User:
3.6.1 Violating the basic principles established by the Constitution;
3.6.2 Jeopardizing national security, betrayal of state secrets, subversion of state power, and undermining national unity;
3.6.3 Harming national honor and interests;
3.6.4 Inciting racial hatred and ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;
3.6.5 Subverting national religious policy, and advocating heresy and feudalistic superstition;
3.6.6 Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, and jeopardizing social stability;
3.6.7 Spreading obscenity, eroticism, gambling, violence and terror or abetting crime;
3.6.8 Insulting or slandering others, and infringing the lawful rights and interests of others;
3.6.9 Instigating unlawful assembly, association, parade and demonstration, and gathering a crowd to disturb the social order;
3.6.10 Activities in the name of illegal civil organization;
3.6.11 Containing other contents forbidden by laws and administrative regulations.
3.7 If a third party considers that the information published in or uploaded to the chinaservicesinfo platform by the User infringes its rights, and sends a Notice of Rights to the platform in accordance with the Regulations on Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network or relevant laws and regulations, the User agrees that the chinaservicesinfo platform can judge and decide whether to delete the information suspected of infringement voluntarily, and the platform will not automatically restore the above information deleted unless the User submits written evidence materials to exclude the possibility of infringement.
IV. Change, Interruption or Termination of Services
4.1 The chinaservicesinfo platform declares that network services provided may not necessarily satisfy the user requirements, and network services may be interrupted due to the difference of network technical conditions, and the timeliness, security and accuracy of network services cannot be guaranteed.
4.2 The chinaservicesinfo platform detects or updates the platform regularly or irregularly, and if such circumstances lead to the interruption of network services over a reasonable time frame, The chinaservicesinfo platform doesn’t need to undertake responsibilities to this end. In case that network services need to be suspended as required by system maintenance or update, The chinaservicesinfo platform will provide a notification of this in advance as soon as possible.
4.3 The chinaservicesinfo platform may interrupt or terminate the provision of network services under the terms to the User without informing the User if the following circumstances occur:
4.3.1 Information provided by the User is untrue, incomplete or contains significantly misleading content;
4.3.2 The User violates other clause contents specified in the terms;
4.3.3 In addition to the circumstances stated in the preceding paragraph, The chinaservicesinfo platform reserves the right to interrupt or terminate part or whole network services at any time without informing the User in advance, and for any losses and consequences caused by the interruption or termination of all services, The chinaservicesinfo platform assumes no responsibility for the User or any third party.
V. Products or Services Provided by the Third Party
You should comply with the user terms of the third party in addition to the conventions of the terms when using the products or services provided by the third party on the platform. the platform and the third party shoulder their respective responsibilities for any disputes that may arise within the scope of legal provisions and conventions. When the User uses the platform or requests that the platform provides a specific service, the platform calls the third party system or supports the User's use or access through the third party, and the results of use or access are provided by such a third party (including but not limited to the services and contentstaken from the platform and provided by the third party, the services and contents accessed by the third party via the platform, etc.), the platform cannot guarantee the security, accuracy, effectiveness and other uncertain risks of products and services provided by the third party, and you should undertake related liabilities by yourself.
VI. User Authorization and Privacy Protection
The chinaservicesinfo platform attaches great importance to the protection of user information. The platform will take reasonable security measures to protect the user's stored personal information. Unless in accordance with the law or the mandatory provisions of the government, the platform will not provide any user's personal information to any unrelated third party (including companies or individuals) without the user's permission.
Users should understand that this platform may disclose personal data as required by law, or believe in good faith that such practice is necessary for the following items. In this case, this platform can be exempted from any disclosure:
(1) Comply with the legal notice or comply with the legal procedures applicable to the platform.
(2) Protect the rights or property of users of the platform.
(3) In case of emergency, to protect the personal or public safety of the platform and its users.
VII. Copyright Statement
7.1 The network service contents provided by The chinaservicesinfo platform include: texts, software, voice, pictures, videos, charts and so on. All these contents are protected by copyright, trademarks and other property ownership laws.
7.2 The User only can use these contents after obtaining prior written authorization from The chinaservicesinfo platform or other related obligees, and shall not copy, transform, produce or create derivatives related to such contents arbitrarily.
VIII. Disclaimer
The User agrees that the platform will not assume any responsibility when the following circumstances occur, including but not limited to:
8.1 The User agrees that all the risks existing in the use of the chinaservicesinfo platform's network services will be borne by himself/herself completely, and all the consequences generated by this use are also borne by himself/herself.
8.2 The User guarantees that all electronic information and the contents of paper materials provided are true and effective. All the consequences resulting from the provision of untrue, false or forged information and materials by the User, and the economic losses brought thereby, are assumed by the User.
8.3 The User agrees to safeguard and maintain the rights and interests of The chinaservicesinfo platform and other users. If the User violates relevant laws and regulations or any clauses under the terms, which leads to any losses to The chinaservicesinfo platform or any other parties, the User agrees to undertake all the consequences and responsibilities caused thereby.
8.4 For network service interruption or other defects due to force majeure or other reasons uncontrolled by the chinaservicesinfo platform, the platform assumes no responsibility, but will do its best to reduce the resultant losses and influences caused to the User.
8.5 For quality defects of the following products or services provided by the chinaservicesinfo platform to the User and any losses caused thereby, the platform doesn't assume any responsibility:
8.5.1 Various network services provided for free;
8.5.2 Any products or services presented free of charge.
IX. Amendment of terms
9.1 The chinaservicesinfo platform may amend the related clauses of the terms from time to time. Once the clause contents of the terms are changed, The chinaservicesinfo platform will prompt the amended contents on relevant pages.
9.2 If the User doesn't agree the amendment of the service clauses of the terms by The chinaservicesinfo platform, the User has the right to stop using network services. However, such a User shall shoulder any legal liability which should be assumed under the terms that was conducted on the platform, and comply with the terms’ contents that were valid when the User’s deal took place. If the User continues to use network services, it is deemed that the User completely accepts the amendment of the service clauses of the terms.
X. Notice and Delivery
All the notices under the terms can be sent by means of important page announcement, e-mail, mobile communication or conventional letters, and such notices are deemed to have been delivered to the recipient on the date of sending.
XI. Supplementary Provisions
11.1 The conclusion, execution and interpretation of the terms as well as the settlement of disputes shall apply to the laws of the People's Republic of China. If there is any dispute over the contents of the terms or its execution between the two parties, both parties shall try to settle through friendly consultation; if the dispute cannot be settled through consultation, either party can file a lawsuit to the people's court with jurisdiction over the area in which The chinaservicesinfo platform is located.
11.2 The terms constitutes the entire terms with respect to the covenants of the terms and other relevant matters between the two parties. Except for that set forth in the terms, any other rights are not endowed to the parties of the terms.
11.3 In case that any provisions of the terms are held invalid in whole or in part or are unenforceable regardless of any reason, the remaining provisions of the terms are still valid and binding.
11.4 The power of interpretation and power of modification of the terms are owned by the chinaservicesinfo platform.
11.5 The headings used in the terms are for ease of reading only, and shall be ignored when interpreting the terms.

Please read the above terms’ contents carefully. Continuation of the registration process shows that you accept the contents of the terms and promise to comply with the terms. Copyright © 2022 China Daily All rights Reserved

I have read and agreed with this Terms of Use.